Using a Sponge

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Using a Sponge
Practical Life - Fine Motor Skills
Sponge 2-1.JPG
PrerequisitesGrasping Transfer
1 or 2 bowls of water

In these lessons the child learns how to pick up water with a sponge, and then transfer water from one bowl to another with a sponge.


You may be tempted to skip this one because it's so simple, but young children love this. Many later activities have a sponge just in case of drips and little children will want to use those sponges in the way that it is used in this activity. Let them get it out of their systems beforehand.

Sponge Squeezing

  1. Take the work to a table.
    Sponge 1-1.JPG
  2. Press the sponge into the bowl of water.
    Sponge 1-2.JPG
  3. Pick the sponge up and hold it over the bowl.
    Sponge 1-3.JPG
  4. Squeeze the sponge over the bowl and watch for the drips.
    Sponge 1-4.JPG

Sponge Transfer

  1. Take the work to a table. Set it so the bowl with the bowl with the water is on the left.
    Sponge 2-1.JPG
  2. Press the sponge into the bowl of water.
    Sponge 2-2.JPG
  3. Hold it over the other bowl and squeeze it out.
    Sponge 2-3.JPG

Points of Interest

Control of Error

Spilling water is the control of error. The child will determine that it is more efficient to maintain the water in the bowls so that he/she does not have to clean it up.

Variations and Extensions

  • A large version could be done outside with a large sponge and two buckets.
  • Extensions can include other practical life lessons: transferring, table washing, etc.